Privacy Policy & Affiliate Disclosure

Greetings to our wonderful readers! We extend our heartfelt thanks for entrusting Travelnania. Your unwavering support fuels our dreams. Below, we will provide insight into how we generate income through this blog and manage your data. Safeguarding your privacy is of paramount importance!


Purpose of this Privacy Policy & Affiliate Disclosure

This Privacy Policy elucidates the collection, utilization, and protection of personal data when you visit or utilize the website. By engaging with this website, you grant your consent for the collection and utilization of data as outlined in this statement.

Information We Collect:

We may gather personal information from you, such as your name for personalized addressing, or email addresses for sending newsletters and communications.

Automatically, we collate data about you and your device’s interactions with the website, including IP address, browser type, viewed pages, and actions taken.

We employ cookies to store information on your browser. These small files can be session-based (expire after browser closure) or persistent (remain until deletion), enhancing your personalized website experience.

How We Collect Information and Why:

Comments: Upon leaving comments, we collect your name, email address, and IP address. Additionally, this website tracks the commenter’s public IP address and browser user agent string to identify spam comments.

Newsletter: For newsletter subscribers, we collect your email address to dispatch crucial messages such as confirmations, updates, and security alerts. This address may also be used for promotional content, including advertisements. Notably, tracking pixels might be present within newsletters. These pixels assist in gauging email interactions, allowing us to refine our newsletters for enhanced value. Your actions are confidential and remain undisclosed to others.

Cookies: When you leave comments, we save cookies to retain your information. This expedites the commenting process for future interactions, alleviating the need to re-enter details. These cookies have a lifespan of 12 months. For more insights into cookies, please consult our affiliate disclosure.

Data and Usage Analytics: This website observes user actions, tracking origin and behavior. Google Analytics may gather your IP address and location.

Embedded Content from Other Websites

On occasion, we incorporate multimedia content like videos, images, or maps from external sources. This content could evolve after publication, with its original source retaining control. Such external sources might amass data, utilize cookies, or track interactions. If you’re logged into the source website, your activity could be recorded. Instances include YouTube videos or Google Maps, though these examples aren’t exhaustive. While we prioritize reputable sources, it’s imperative to recognize that we cannot guarantee the privacy practices of these sources.

Access to Data

Visitor comments undergo meticulous spam-check procedures facilitated by a trusted third-party automation service.

Data Retention

Visitor comments are securely retained indefinitely, enabling efficient recognition upon subsequent visits. Certain visitor comments might be retained beyond their initial submission date, unless specific removal is requested.

Your User Rights

At Travelnania, we highly esteem your online privacy. If you’ve left comments, you can request their deletion, excluding data necessary for legal or security purposes.

Specific Legal Requirements

We uphold the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the EU, along with other pertinent laws to safeguard personal data.

How Long Do We Retain Your Data

To facilitate seamless interactions, comments remain accessible continually. However, upon request, specific comments can be removed.

Google’s Data Retention:

Google retains signals data for 26 months.

Affiliate Disclosure

We incorporate affiliate links, which may generate commissions upon purchases made through them. Rest assured, this won’t inflate your expenses. Our recommendations are rooted in genuine belief and personal assessment.

While not all links are affiliates, for the sake of transparency, it’s prudent to assume that they are. These links contribute to funding our travels and enable us to continue offering free travel blogs.

BOOKING.COM Affiliate Program

We actively participate in the Affiliate Program. Accommodation recommendations in our travel articles aid readers in discovering exceptional deals. Clicking through a link and proceeding with an accommodation booking may result in a commission for us, without any added cost to you.


Travelnania is an Amazon Services LLC Associates Program participant, designed to provide advertising fees by linking to and Amazon Associates. Any customized links provided by Amazon are employed to trace referrals, assigning commission based on sales. Clicking Amazon affiliate links to make purchases enables us to earn a modest commission, with no extra expense to you. All endeavors are made to transparently disclose affiliate links in accordance with FTC and GDPR guidelines.

Contact Information:


[Address withheld to prevent bot scraping.]

For inquiries related to our Privacy Policy or data management, don’t hesitate to contact us via email.

Our Email Address:

Please be aware that we regularly review and update our policies to ensure their continuing relevance and compliance.

Last updated: October 2023